Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Touch ME...

I could be dying...

I love craigslist. I dont care about the craigslist killer. I think he was improperly donned the title. He was the so and so Hotel killer. He happened to meet the girl from an ad she posted on craiglist. I dont engage in this type of risky behavior. I love a good deal though. I carefully select and hand pick anything that I have gotten from craigslist. My stainless steel grill, the bricks for my patio,my daughters lil tikes kitchen,and now...a friend?

This world is growing colder by the minute. I dont have enough room to talk about texting verses picking up the phone and calling, facebooking verses just spending time with friends and the hours we waste away in front of the television or the internet instead of talking with a friend, our spouses or our children. That could be a blog in and of itself.

There is a line in the bible that says..."You fool! this very night your life will be demanded of you." and this chilling thought whether someone beleives in heaven or hell is a FACT for us all. One day, our lives will be demanded of us. We won't walk this earth forever. We can't beat or cheat death.

When the earthquake in Haiti occurred. There was not just a chasm that opened up in the earth but in peoples hearts. But only for just a moment. A glimmer. People were talking,empathizing with others, mourning the loss of people they didnt even know. Non Haitians were Saddended and compelled by the pain of the people. Making connections. I met a young lady randomly at chuck-e-cheese because of the earthquake. She offered me pizza with sad sad eyes. I tole this story before. I declined and was about to leave but something told me to go back. TOUCH.

People were touching and willing to be touched at this time. It was obvious and evident. But truthfully isnt this the case no matter what the time? No matter what the climate,no matter what the headlines say? People want to be touched. We want to feel loved and cared for. Like we matter. Like if we suddenly died that many would care.

An ad on Craiglist reads...

"my mom has cancer n is not well, i am ridding of items in apt, she starts chemo tom.when she gets better she will be with me, or we buy her all new goods:) please leave name and number, i have 4 tvs, pictures bedding comforters glasses kitchen items etc... couch chairs beding clothes,couch pull out bed... i am the only family member left,and im doin it aLL ALONE N TRYIN TO KEEP SANE YET STAY AFLOAT N HELP MY MOM..... yes shes aware of me ridding certain items........ i would like items to go to a family/person who is down on luck and needs items to get by,god bless and i do hope i can help."

Who can read this and not feel compassion for this woman? But haven't we all cryed out for help at one time or another? We are all losing touch with each other, with our kids, with our immediate and extended families, we dont know how to even talk to one another. I am really saddened by where the world is heading. Did I reach out to this woman. Yes I did. I wrote to her and offered my help. Is this nuts? Why would you think so? She needs help. We are fellow human beings. It is stranger to offer a helping hand than to ignore a need and pretend it doesnt exist. Why am I suddenly the weirdo because I am willing to help a stranger? Shouldn't we be able to lighten the load for a stranger too. I hope she calls.
With just a few hours, myself and a modest group of friends can add years to this young lady's life. Give her hope in a dark and lonely place. I know that my eyes are not always open. I know there are days when I just dont give a dang about myself or anyone else. I know that this very night and any night or day; my own life can be demanded of me. At the end of the day...what does it all matter? How will I use my 60, my 70, 80 or 90. How will I use it? It's moments like this that snap me out of it. They bring me back from the complaining, the belly aching about my life's "troubles". They shut me up and silence me. They humble me. God always grabs me by the neck, gently and says...LOOK! I got my look today. I am reaching out and Touching the same way I long to be be be be loved.