Wednesday, November 16, 2011

News from Gressier

Some days I literally feel like I am not making a hill of beans difference at all...then i read something like this and I know....God is working through our efforts....

Hi Katty,
Please know your family, New Jersey Central Christian Church and anyone associated with Hope Worldwide are always welcome in our home. You guys have been a key factor to our survival and I mean that. The devil can be very busy sometimes.Pastor and I both know where our hearts and passion lie, we laso know it will not be easy but God will always send honest people our way.
katty, we began to receive 600.00 per month for 10 months, school year from Hope Worldwide to pay for some of the school expenses. The children have uniform, they look great, happy and are working hard. We took them to a fieldtrip in Kenscof, they hard so much fun.We have you to thank for that. It is truly a great help, Anael and Mona are just fantastic, we are looking to a great working relationship. I purchased a good vehicle to ship to Haitithis week with the help of our Spain supporters.  Honey , life in Haiti is not what it seems. I am convinced Haiti is the most expensive and difficult country on the face of the earth. I am hopeful and pray that, things really change for the best for the sake of the children and the poor people.


For the past two weeks or so I have been praying daily for God to give me an "Opportunity". I've come to realize that just praying for a new job is really not the way to go or perhaps its just not God's plan. I have a 3 folders in my inbox titled "Job Search 2009", "Job Search 2010","Job Search 2011". These 3 folder are each full of Job applications over the years. I have only had a handful of interviews and I don't believe its because I am a bad candidate. I trust that God has a plan for me. A shiny new job...may not be the plan.  Since my prayers for an "Opportunity" I have had not one or two but several exciting conversations about... Haiti? I thought it was clear that I needed to devote my efforts and time to my family, my children but suddenly more people's hearts are stirring. More are thinking of ways to help and this is how big dreams and big things happen. I am still praying for God to give me an opportunity. I think its more exciting than just praying for a new job. I want to do something with all these talents God has given me. I am tired of burying my gifts to sit in front of a computer. I have more to offer this world than just punching a clock and fixing problems that don't change the day let alone change the world. As I pray I wait in expectation. I believe... though my energy is spent. I believe... though my body aches and I feel the stress of this world and the weight of my responsibilities closing in.  Is the "Opportunity" God has for me, Haiti? Is there something there for me and my family? Only time will tell.